War of the Worlds 2
Power Rankings – Week 6
Hello all, and welcome back to the most unbiased power rankings covering MTV’s The
Challenge. These power rankings will be a combination of episode performance, TV time
(including interviews and conversations), and drama (whether they were involved, plus the added
significance of it). These power rankings carry over from week to week! * These power
rankings are completely spoiler free! *
On this episode we were met with Team USA fighting and coming together all within the
matter of minutes. And team UK getting along too fighting all within a matter of minutes
towards the end. Jenny is the beast we knew she was, Paulie is looking like the new power player
for team USA, and team UK shows just how smart they are in a triva challenge.

1. Paulie TV Time: B+ Drama: A Last Week: 1 (-)
Paulie keeps his number one spot for the second week in a row due to his great spelling,
intense argument with Josh, and his constant screen time. Paulie is looking like the front
runner to make it far in this game. Not backing down, even from a friend talking shit, holds
true to his character.

2. Jordan TV Time: B+ Drama: B- Last Week: 6 (+4)
Two solid weeks of great performances for Jordan. Getting tons of camera time as well
as stepping up in leading his team to victory moves him back into the top 3. Next week looks
to be another chance for good camera time for Jordan. One who doesn't shy away from
puffing out his chest and calling out the biggest and baddest the challenge has to offer.
3. CT TV Time: A Drama: B- Last Week: 7 (+4)
The dad is here and all over our screens during this episode. CT has drawn the line in the
sand and chosen a side. This week was no different, the person CT votes for, goes into
elimination. CT is evolving his game from dominant competitor, to a social guru. CT is
starting to step up as a leader on team UK and it should lead to better results going forward.
4. Leroy TV Time: A+ Drama: A Last Week: 16 (+12)
This was Leroy's episode. just one week after losing his best friend and closest alliance
member and still found a way to stand out in a positive manner and avoid being a target of
his team by giving his team a good talking to. Setting the team back on a level playing
ground and following through with the team plan will help push Leroy further in this game.

5. Jenny TV Time: B Drama: B- Last Week: 15 (+10)
Jenny is the beast we knew she was. Taking on Nicole in the elimination and completely
destroying her. Right now she appears to be the most feared female competitor in the game.
It's hard to imagine her going home in the elimination, one on one.
6. Rogan TV Time: A Drama: A Last Week: 9 (+3)
Rogan's has been one of the shining points for team UK in terms of camera time. His
relationship with Dee was tested but looks to be back on track and growing in strength every
week. To top everything off rogan's alliance continues to dominate the vote whenever team
UK does fail to win the daily challenge.
7. Ashley TV Time: B Drama: C+ Last Week: 14 (+7)
Ashley did well in the daily challenge by getting her trivia question correct. On top of
that, Ashley seems to have found a good place within Team USA to keep her safe for a
while. Decent camera time helps her as well.
8. Kam TV Time: B Drama: B Last Week: 11 (+3)
Kam calling out Nany in front of the team on who she will call into elimination was bold.
Kam has been trying to do the same thing Leroy has been preaching and that's be loyal to
team USA. On top of that, her UK alliance is hold strong numbers as well.
9. Bear TV Time: B- Drama: B+ Last Week: 3 (-6)
Making Georgia mad is not a smart move. These types of moves could backfire on Bear
if he's not careful. A small drop is due to the strong performances of those ahead of him.
10. Georgia TV Time: B+ Drama: B Last Week: 4 (-6)
Poor Georgia is having her emotions played with, so she goes off and plays with Josh's
emotions to get back at Bear. having poor answers in the daily challenge also moves her
down. Losing her best friend is another reason for her fall.

11. Josh TV Time: B Drama: A- Last Week: 13 (+2)
The emotional Challenger comes back to our screens to get into an argument with his
real-life friend Paulie. Getting into a fight with the potential leader of Team USA could
lead to an elimination floor appearance. Also, getting used by Georgia is bound to
backfire in his face due to how emotional he plays this game.
12. Kyle TV Time: B- Drama: B- Last Week: 8 (-4)
Kyle continues to get pissed every week due to how his team makes decisions on
elimination. it would not be a surprise to see Kyle end up in elimination since he is in the
wrong side of Team UK's alliance. one thing is for sure he is a candidate to be the first
turncoat if he does go into elimination and win.
13. Dee TV Time: B+ Drama: A- Last Week: 17 (+4)
Dee moves up do too how much camera time she continues to get due to her relationship
with Rogan. Every week she is a competitor for top TV time.
14. Ninja TV Time: B+ Drama: B- Last Week: 12 (-2)
Ninja did get a good amount of camera time this week, but what is disappointing is that
ninjas one of the smartest challengers on Team USA and yet did not participate in the
trivia challenge. With so many challengers below her last week having better weeks she
takes a small tumble.
15. Theo TV Time: B Drama: B Last Week: 2 (-13)
The biggest faller of the week is Theo here. Getting some pretty easy trivia
questions wrong twice as well as losing an alliance member provide the biggest fall for
the week. If team UK loses next week, Theo should end up in elimination again, if not

16. Zach TV Time: B- Drama: C Last Week: 10 (-6)
Zach is supposed to be one of the Challenges best triva masters. Unfortunately he
drew the Short stick and got his question wrong for team USA. With only a couple of
quotes from his interviews, he take a a small fall to the middle.
17. Cara TV Time: B Drama: B Last Week: 5 (-12)
Without Paulie, Cara wouldn't have been in the middle of the drama in the house.
The big drop is a combination of little screen time compared to normal, paired with the
non participation in the daily.
18. Nany TV Time: A Drama: A Last Week: 21 (+3)
Nany got a great deal of TV time as well as the speaker role for the tribunal for
team USA. However, not following the plan and playing a scared game won't help Many
in the long run.
19. Tori TV Time: B- Drama: C+ Last Week: 18 (-1)
Another hidden Challenger this episode. Getting her question wrong is what moves her down
a spot this week.
20. Turbo TV Time: C+ Drama: C Last Week: 23 (+3)
Turbo finally got more TV time, yet didn't perform in the daily due to language issues.
Getting more screen time helps. Next week should more Turbo up more just based on the
sneak peak we got.
21. Kayleigh TV Time: C Drama: C Last Week: 24 (+3)
Kayleigh is heavily protected in this game. Due to this she falls to the back of the drama
from week to week. Nothing to show this week.

22. Esther TV Time: C- Drama: B- Last Week: 25 (+3)
Good on Esther for defending herself. Outside of this, she is still going to be at the
bottom of this list unless she can provide better performances or more screen time.
23. Joss TV Time: D+ Drama: C Last Week: 21 (-2)
Joss is one of the few people in the dominating UK alliance that fails to get TV time.
Maybe it's not being involved within a relationship that is holding him back. Whatever
the issue is, Joss needs to stand out in the next daily challenge.
24. Idris TV Time: D Drama: D Last Week: 22 (-2)
Idris continues to disappoint week in and week out. If he doesn't get sent into eliminated soon
it will be a shocker.

25. Nicole Finished 25th
What a disappointing performance in the elimination. Nicole was on the wrong side of
the UK alliance got set into elimination. and then she was forced to go against one of the
strongest females in the game and she was completely crushed. If Nicole returns for
another season she will have to rely on more than just her best friends to save herself.
26. Bananas Finished 26th
27. Laurel Finished 27th
28. Wes Finished 28th
29. Tula “Big T” Finished 29th
30. Faith Finished 30th
31. Zahida Finished 31st
32. Sean Finished 32 nd